Wednesday, 23 August 2017

7 Quick Tips Regarding Alloy Casting

Alloy means combination of metals or metals with other substance, which have metallic bonding. This alloys are used in numerous applications. Because of the combination, sometimes it’ll reduces overall costing of product, sometimes it’ll increase the overall strength, also improves erosion resistance.

For example, aluminium [soft metal] can be improved by alloying one more soft metal copper. Both metals are soft but resulting aluminium alloy have extreme strength. Steel is also an alloy, it’s a combination of nonmetallic carbon and iron. So, as per individual casting and requirements manufacturer select suitable combination of metals [Alloys]

Numerous types of alloys are used in various application as well as product. Some of the popular alloys are

  • Aluminium Alloy
  • Chromium Alloy
  • Cobalt Alloy
  • Copper Alloy
  • Iron Alloy
  • Nickel Alloy
  • Titanium Alloy
  • Zinc Alloy

Latest technologies as well as various techniques are implemented for manufacturing casting parts. At the same time proper rules and tips should be followed to build excellent parts. Let’s look at the tips regarding alloy casting as well as perfect casting parts.
  1. Analyze shape & size of parts: Accurately analyze the shape, its detailing like edges and angles, dimension etc. If any fault found in creation of mold, design or initial phase it may build defective casting part. Spend some time in designing to manufacture excellent and exact parts. Before manufacturing heat mold and talcum in advance.
  2. Select proper alloy or metals: Based on the application and requirement select proper alloy or metals. Accurately create mixture of metals to get exceptional product range. Improper alloy makes faulty or weak casting components.
  3. Determine pattern placement: Whenever create a mold, it’s important to successfully casting pattern. Always place pattern carefully without any damage or crack. If possible try to use ring for exact result.
  4. Pouring the metal: To melt dry metals always try to use electric hob, before pouring the metal perfectly melt the metals without dust. After that pour gently into the mold without damaging other parts of mold.
  5. Venting & Cutting: In this phase most of the time manufacturer makes mistake, whenever venting the mold always use sharp blade as well as give suitable heat to mold. It makes easy to cutting and removing from the mold. At least take 5-10 minutes time before open the mold.
  6. Filling: While fillings the parts, try to use a flat file in balanced form. For seam lines needle files are suitable. Carefully do the detailing tasks with small files without damaging parts.
  7. Gluing the parts: Before join two parts, always polish it and verify it by joining. It should be join without any space. Remove rough areas by polishing properly. Then apply glue or soldering to join two related parts.

Each casting required deep analysis, proper choice of alloy as well as careful procedure to produce exact and satisfactory casting parts. Hope these tips helps you to manufacture excellent alloy casting parts without any fault or error. Let’s see your ideas and views in comments.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

All You Need To Know About Camlock Fittings

Camlock fittings is an industrial parts, which is mainly used to join or dis-join two pipe or hose. Manufacturer precisely maintain its size as well as standard quality because main functionality is to connect two pipe or fill the gap of two individual functions. if you miss to learn about important rules of investment casting then take quick look before go further.

Camlock sometime also called as cam coupling or groove coupling, which is available in different materials, size, shape and categories in the market. The coupling is compulsory in liquid, gas and power industry. Other than these industries, Agriculture, Military, Drum filling etc. are uses camlock in various ways.

While manufacturing camlock fittings, some of the major parameters have to take into consideration like method, materials, dimensions, tolerances, pressure, and inspections. If you accurately deals with major parameters then it increase quality of end products.

Why Camlock:

As we know to join any two pipe easily coupling or fittings finest way. It’s frequently used in petroleum, chemicals, and water delivering only because of easy operate & installation. The design of fittings are very simple, consist of adapter, coupler and assembly of line. Primary components are male adapter and female coupler, they make strong and accurate connection.

While installing camlock no extra tool or components are required, only hand pressure is enough, which reduces your time as well as manpower. Camlock fittings aremanufactured by distinct materials like aluminum, brass, steel, polypropylene, etc. to satisfy basic requirements.

  • Aluminum: Mainly used in slurry, water and petroleum industry, because it’s economical and lightweight material.
  • Polypropylene: Mainly used in agriculture and industrial application. 
  • Stainless Steel: Especially used in sanitary & food field, they are bit expensive but having longer life.
  • Glass fiber reinforced nylon: They are applicable in low pressure working machinery.
  • Brass: Well-suited with hydraulic oils, gasoline, water, coolants, and petroleum products, having great erosion resistance.

Now let’s take a quick look about the various types of camlock coupling which are given below,

Type A: [Male end & Female Pipe Thread                                                        Type B: [Female end & Male Pipe Thread]
Type C: [Female end & Male Hose Tail]                                                            Type D: [Female end & Female Pipe Thread]
Type E: [Male end & Male Hose Tail]                                                                 Type F: [Male end & Male Pipe thread]
Type DC: [Female end camlock]                                                                          Type DP: [Male end camlock]

Advantages of the coupling are easy installation, increase productivity & reduces manpower work. 
While main disadvantage is inapplicable in acid and flammable liquid transfer.

Last words, lets quick look about what we’ve learnt, first is about camlock couplings, then why it’s important after that various materials camlock couplings with type and last advantage and disadvantages. Hope this will help you to understand all about the camlock couplings. Share your ideas and views regarding couplings in comments.